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Ans July 14 79
original will be in Smithsonian - Wash DC [[?]] S.F.

Lila Refregier 
C/O Artists Union of USSR
Foreign Department 
10 Gogol Boulevard 
Moscow 121019 USSR
June 28th, 1979

Dear Emmy Lou:
Forgive-Forgive-Silence, I know, is golden but too much is too much. Seriously, we have not written because our whole time here has taken up by hospitalization. And now for the second time, Ref is extremely ill and has been in hospital for over two months- a very serious heart attack complicated by pneumonia and he is now just out of intensive care. And the doctors tell me it will be some time before they release him- maybe in September or October. I know he is getting excellent care and lots of attention and the facilities are better than [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikehtough]] most hospitals back home. But I still want to take him home. 

I can't tell you how very wonderful the Artists Union has been to both of us. They have put a car [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]]  and driver at my disposal and have gotten a lovely girl who acts as a translator. They shower Ref with attention and flowers, books, magazines and visits when he is up to visitors. They have even sent for our kids (they are due here on the 5th of July) and paid for their round trip tickets. 

When we get home, Ref has to go to Alabama once more for another valve operation. I dread even thinking about that so I try to put it out of my mind. But first of all, he has to be built up here and his nervous system controled. 

We have never thanked you for all the time and energy you are putting into Rincon Hill. And even thank you sounds so feeble. Personally, I am glad someone cares enough about the murals to try to preserve them. One of your letters bucked Ref up tremendously when he was in the hospital the first time- a reel shot in the arm. So if we don't write, now you know the reason why. 

I hope the operations on your eyes have proved successful- what a thing for an artist.

Brigit tells me she is in touch with you. She's a great girl. 

Dear Emmy Lou, we do thank you for all the time and energy and time away from your own work that you are giving to save the murals. I thank you and Ref thanks you. And if you can, a note to Ref would be wonderful and most welcome. 

With love, Lila