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[[Hotel Logo]]
130 Chambers Avec
Lavabos A Eau Chaude & Froide
Chambres avec bain privé
2 Ascenseurs
Chauffage Central
Téléph { Central 59-17
"   "   " 69-47
L. Leblond, Prop re

Hotel Monsigny 
1-3-5 Rue Monsigny (2e Arrt)
Près de l'Opéra

October 28 [1927]

Dearest Mummy: Don't worry about my getting over-tired. I am careful and get about 9 or 10 hours sleep a night. Sight-seeing is much too strenuous a business to fool around with one's rest. 
Paris is lovely. But I love England best. Wish I could go and spend a long time at Beckfoot. Miss Noble would like to have me come back, I judge from Mrs. Stacy's remarks. Perhaps I shall. They would all like to have you come too, so there's your chance. 
I've been keeping my eyes open for a bead bag for you. The windows are too alluring for words. so far my