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The Springfield Republican
Established in 1824 by Samuel Bowels
Springfield, Mass. May 23 1928

Dearest Mummy:
The weather has been rotten and everyone has had colds and Elenor had to come home from Boston for a week and have felt tired and haven't written. It rains all the time, and I can't go golfing in a cloudburst. If we have another year like last, I'm going to Arizona to live.
I think the material for your dress is very pretty. The other day I saw a somewhat similar dress in a windowx on Main Street and thought how nice you'd look in it.
Nothing exciting has happened here, except that I have been seeking a raise and some assurance as to my future here. If I don't get it, I guess I'll have to hunt for another job. I can't stay here and be kept down by other people's smediocrity. This paper needs to sit up and take stock occasionally any way. I get tired of such much caution and conservatism.
The congregationalist had an item about the pamphet, written by Hubert C Herring. Has Wichita's prophet departed, or was it his papa? AD.A.R. chapter in Oregon has protested to the national organization agaisnt Mrs Brosseau's steam roller. In the meantime Mrs Brosseau is getting herself presented at the court of St James. Dean Hobbins of the Cathedral of St.John the Divin is also protest-ing, basing his remarks on pamphlet. He is a friend od Mr Hooker's.
Wish you were coming backto Springfield. But if the weather keeps up as it did last year, you're better off where you are. Mr.Regal is thinking of departing for sunnier climes. He has bronchitis and the continual rain doesn't help any.
Aunt Mary came down to the apartment last Friday to see Eleanor. It was Eleanor's first time out of bed, and the first time I had seen Aunt Mary for ages. She looks pretty well, considering the strain she has been through. She wants to go back to work again, though Mrs Nutting made ample finacial provision for her, I believe. Both Eleanor and I told her to take good rest before she went back. I think she really would be happier working, though.
Louis was planning on a trip to the Pacific coast, but I think his plans have fallen through as the man he was going with can't go now. Benji Buxton has been sick with grippe. And both Ernestine and her Betty have been quite sick. I guess that's all the new.

Hope you are well. Lots of love.