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The Springfield Republican 
Established in 1824 by SAMUEL BOWLES

July 16 [1930]

Dearest Mummy:

Sorry not to have written sooner. I am kept rather busy now that Louise is abroad. Friday I flew down to Boston to get a story on the tercentenary art exhibition and yesterday I went up to old Deerfield. The houses are to be [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] opened to the public as part of the tercentenary celebrations throughout the state.  You would have enjoyed seeing all the old fireplaces and paneling and wallpaper.  

The enclosed clippings may interest you.  I saw the Negro play "The Green Pastures" and the revived Greek comedy "Lysistrata" when I was in New York, as well as the retrospective exhibition.  Ruthie and I flew back.  Sherman has put some money into the air transport company here and wants us to have an opportunity to fly as much as possible when going to Boston or New York on business.  I took out a small accident policy which covers flying.  In case I should get smashed up it nets $5000.  I made out my estate as beneficiary.  But if that should happen, and I don't have the slightest idea that it will, I'd be pleased if you saw to it that Eleanor got some of the money, about $3000 say and the other $2000 divided among the basics.