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The Springfield Republican
Established in 1824 by Samuel Bowles
Daily - - - Sunday - - - Weekly
Springfield, Mass. 
May 23, 1930

Dearest Mummy:

I should say that it is I who am neglecting you. But I have been quite occupied lately. I am enclosing some more Emily Dickinson material. You will be pleased to see my name mentioned so often in the bibliography, I think. Had a nice letter from the vice president of Little, Brown & Co, saying that he hoped that I would drop for a friendly talk when in Boston and adding that I might write a book one day. Sounds encouraging.

Life has been strenuous lately. Last weekend I went down to Bethlehem to hear the Bach festival as Arthur's guest. I enjoyed the music a great deal though most of it was a sort that needs training for appreciation. You would have liked the B-minor mass, written chiefly on the Gloria and the Credo; it is a stupendous work and takes three hours to perform. It was not written originally for church use and has to be given in two parts. I also saw Walter Gutman and Clara Sipprell; and she gave me one of her lovely photos, the one of the Painted Desert. Mrs Braunlich is much better, so we had dinner there Sunday. Bethlehem is about 80 miles from New York and Arthur goes home practically every weekend. Sunday afternoon we saw