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have a silly idea for a present for you, which I shall send you soon, so that you won't have to be only a weed-puller. When I send it, I'll send along full and complete instructions. It is funny; but I think it is a good idea, and that you may have quite a lot of entertainment out of it. Any way I want you to try it out.

Thank you for passing on the article to Beck. Had a letter from her and she liked it very much. It always cheers me up when my work finds a responsive public. I have discovered lately that I have more of a public than I realized. But what I want now is more of an arena of action to work in. This puddle is too small.

The enclosed may amuse you. Benji Buxton and I were witnesses for Walter Baermann when he received his final naturalization papers. It was quite an experience.

Let me know where you are really; and I'll try to keep you informed of my progress. If you don't hear very often, you'll understand that transporting the accumulations of 12 1/2 years to a new home is quite a chore. Meanwhile much love to you, always.