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Mon. July 7th Concord
Wea. JULY 10, 1930 Ther.

Came up here to Concord Mass on Sat & have had more or less fun since. A few nice people here & fun to talk to MH but I'm very fed-up with her noisiness, utter tactlessness & disgusting smoking - she does it in poor taste & everything she does or says seems obvious at the moment. She's very sweet though & I've been crabby.

Never wrote Friday in my diary- it was absolute hell. I got a telegram from S. saying he has to go straight to Amherst instead of h.- its my own fault for letting him get bored with me on L.T.- now if he doesn't ask us to Amherst I give up - really it was the last gasp. Am going there on Wed. Concord is a lovely historic place - school wonderful

Tues. July 8th
Wea. [[strikethrough]] JULY 11,[[/strikethrough]] 1930 Ther.

Terrible fire- ghastly
Terrible storm- sat petrified in car
money --- none
The school
hit silly on my head
veg. soup with too much carrots!
no sleep
no word from anyone