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May 2, 1944

Dear Mr. Warner:

I have received "Cubist Poems" and "Primitives" which I inscribed with deeply felt affection and appreciation to you for your kindness and encouragement you have given me. I have also inscribed "Essays on Art" which I wrote years ago, and "Max Weber" by Holger Cahill which I am pleased to add to the first two named books.
I love my beautiful watch. My friends admire it. I am proud of it. It is a most beautiful symbol of friendship, and I think of you when I see the time.

Always your friend

P.S. I know you will be pleased to know that I have just been informed by "Life"- magazine that they have it in mind to publish a story of me and my work. They asked me to send them photos of as many of my pictures as I can possibly send them - as they would like to present of all phases of my work

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