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10 Hartley Road
Great Neck, L.I. N.Y.
December 27, 1945

Dear Keith:

This is the time of the year when one receives a super abundance of greetings and deep felt wishes from friends and relatives, but no letter thrilled me as much as yours with the great news of your marriage to Edna. Congratulations and benedictions to you and Edna from the bottom of my heart. Along with my best wishes for your first Christmas and New Year together. I send you warmest greetings and ardent wishes for ever increasing happiness of many many Christmas festivities and New Years in the future.

I appreciate more than I can tell you your kindness and confidence in me for letting me know the good news before others, and I assure you I will hold this information sacredly secret.

Your kind invitation to visit you in Miami thrilled me beyond words. That very instant I pictured myself in your