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I am sorry you will miss seeing my exhibition, but we will make up for it in some other way. I will send you all the reviews - good or bad - as they come along. I'm prepared for both, which reminds me of the Los Angeles exhibition.

First of all let me thank you for sending me those beautiful photographs of my pictures. They are hung beautifully and I am thrilled with the visualization of such dignified auspices in which my pictures find themselves. It is an incentive to continue to strive to make myself worthy of such privilege and honor. Oh yes - the Cleveland Museum purchased - a picture of mine about two weeks ago. "The Deserted Farm" a large canvas.

Now a word about the article on Marin's watercolors and on my paintings by Wright. I will not go into detail. I will merely say - that with your permission - if you will care to hear some Steiglitzien history - I will tell you - or you will infer, (of your own volition) why and how such laudation of Marin and patronization of me. I've experienced this since 1911 -........ without surcease from Steiglitz or his henchmen