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marvelous paintings. The natives can hardly imagine what has happened right in their midst - what enrichment you have brought into their environment. I only hope they will learn how to profit by the privilege, and I am sure you will share the spiritual pleasure you derive from the collection, with those who by nature and instinct seek out the treasures of life.

I hope I will get to see you when you pass through New York on your way north to Maine.  I imagine you will have much to do in the short time. I know Paul will enjoy seeing you both again - for I know he thinks the world of you - and in that he is not alone. I am a strong competitor.

It is still cool here -much rain and unsteady, but as always the excessive heat will come upon us with merciless suddeness [[suddenness]].

Love to you and Edna from -


My family joins me in best wishes to you.

I wonder if you ever heard from Mrs. West.