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for the present. I know what fun we would have - what searching discussions on art - viewing together the great French pictures you are so fortunate to have and "my own modest ones. What grand neighbors I have? And you were instrumental in giving me that abode. My appreciation has not tarnished one iota since and never will my dear Keith. Such things are the most marked milestones in one's life. I would love to see "my" pictures in that glorious light - and the French pictures too - of course - but that's a pleasure for the near future.

I'm sorry Paul can't avail himself of the holiday, the rest - [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] and your hospitality Perhaps he will yet. He needs a rest - he is not well- It's all a result of the war years. The anguish, the fright must have been frightful - and you see how it bore down upon him. I don't believe the food in New York agrees with him. In fact he said so in a conversation with Frances one day when she and Joy visited the gallery. I'm going in tomorrow. How I wish you could come too. The Picass pictures are on the walls and will be until the end of the month. It's being received wonderfully.