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Mr. Martin's supervision at Teachers College. What is sold on 57th Street,- I mean the quantities of pseudo spurious abstract "art" found in the "little galleries" - does not enter our conception our grasp of and reverence for the genuine in modern art or the art of the ancients. Edna is spiritual and poetic - these are eternal catonic powers or gifts. The best of modern art is ancient. Few there are who realize this, and the infinitude of design in nature is the source of all art. regardless of time of place. It is only unfortunate that so much snobbishness and pretense had to enter into the history and development of renovation of art - modern art. The "impasse" we talked about and to which our dear Paul alluded to with such deep concern and feeling is evident all around - here and abroad. Something more communication and truly spiritual must soon supplant the perplexing vagaries of three or four decades. Inasmuch as impressionism was in many respects erroneous - so is and was - cubism - and all the isms put together. Oh I wish I had the time and privileges of sitting with you at that low table in your