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way of talking about serious matters in art, and our serious conversations about light matters. But that's only human. I have often wondered what few things Edna might be doing and what fun things she has already done since I was with you since I left. I'm sure she will surprise me. I know she gave serious attention to contemplated deeply on the present transition in art.

Oh by the way - you must get Les Stein's recent book- "Appreciation" Perhaps you already have a copy ^ If not let me know, I will send you mine. Well this section on art is a "bummer" as the say. And believe me it will serve as an eye opener. It's explosive - and revealing. It removes many a cloud that drummed the light and obscure the truths for a long long time. 

How about the Marin request. My dear Keith, I wish I were in a position to be able to report some interesting anecdotes about Marcus, but believe me I haven't seen that , man three times since January 10 1911 - the day I left Simply - for good and forever. Thank God!  On that day