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January 7,1918

Dear Abbott,
I was not only glad to get your letter on general principles, but also because the fact that you wrote it indicated a distinct gain in your physical welfare. I am glad you can write better and I am more glad that you are able to paint. No better proof of this is needed than the splendid canvas that we are so fortunate as to have at the museum. That gratifies me every time I think of it.

I wonder if you remember a sketch that I made way back in 1885 of a nude, semi-recumbent female figure that I called "Memory"? I gave you a cast of it. I set up the figure in large life size eight or  ten years ago and I have been working on it off and on, ever since. At the moment I am finishing the marble and I have a sort of belief that you would think it pretty nearly my high water mark. I wish you could see it.

This letter is only to tell you how glad I am to hear directly from you and that I regret more and more that we cannot see each other often.

Will you thank Mrs. Thayer for her kind letter and for letting me know that the big check came all right.

Affectionally Dan French