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                   Daniel Chester French
                                   August 20, 1909
Frederick Dielmen, Esq.,
   Ridgefield, Conn.
Dear Mr. Dielmen:-
    I do not know whether it was a consistence or because La Farge has been drumming you up as he has, but your letter has come in the midst of my correspondence on this very matter. Understanding that we have agreed to recommend the picture called "Adoration" that we saw in Mr. La Farge's studio the last time we were down there, I was on the point of writing to Mr. Morgan recommending the purchase of the picture when my mind reverted to that beautiful picture over the mantel-piece in Mr. Heinigke's house, and I was inspired to write to him to see whether he might not have changed his mind, and would be willing to part with the picture now. That was several days ago, and I have not heard from him since. I think I will wait a day or two longer, and meanwhile, would you write me whether you would prefer that picture to that one La Farge offers. I intended to write to you as soon as I heard from Mr. Heinigke.
    I see no reason why our recommendations should not be arranged as you suggested, dating the recommendation prior to May 10.
    Yes, I am having a bully time. You just ought to see the portrait I have painted in oils.
                                        Yours faithfully,
                                       David C. French