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[[left page]] 5 hung

Have sent in French designers for two pictures nos. 301- #25 & 336 = #50 less 10% comm I do not know about a 3rd 
Rep [[/left page]]

Jan 6th 1921

Mr. Francis C. Jones-

Dear Mr. Jones- 

I sent five engraving proofs to the recent Academy Exhibition all of which the committee was good enough to hang up- Before the close of the Exhibition Mr. Dustin reported three of them sold. A friend writing from N.Y. after the attending Exhibition wrote me that three of my proofs were marked sold. 

Later on two of them came back - now another has come and I am wondering if they are done coming back. I have received your cheque for one - It would be some satisfaction to me to know what went what wrong and should have written Mr. Dustin but was in doubt if my letter would reach him now as I have not his permanent address-If you will kindly give