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March 22, 1926.

Mr. Daniel Chester French, N.A.
12 West 8th Street,
Mew York City.

My dear Mr. French:-

Upon arriving at the office this morning I was terribly distressed to learn of the mistake in the catalogue relating to Mrs. Cresson's sculpture entitled "Larry". I cannot express sufficient regret for this error and I am still at a loss as to how it occurred as I thought that for once I had succeeded in turning out perfect copy. It is just one of those awful things that happen that make the party responsible for the work rather sick at heart.

As all the catalogues have been printed so no alterations can be made, we have removed the number tad and had a tablet made with the title and Mrs. Cresson's name upon it.

I am hoping that you know enough about making a catalogue to have some sympathy with me even though it so nearly affects you personally. 

Very sincerely yours,
