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Rome, May 15th, 1962

Dear Cy,

I'm sorry for what happened last night.
You wanted me to tell you what I told Mario. It is true I told him it was a mistake not to send your drawings to Leo's drawing show; which I think it is. That I thought it was a mistake to have written him the way you did; which I think it is.ΒΆ You probably don't realize, as I have while I was there, the importance of Leo's Gallery right now, and how good it is to be in it.

I did not question the substance of your letter, but the wisdom of it in its form.

I did not want to tell you all this, because I do not want you to think again that I want to "manage" your affairs. I don't.

As for your outbursts and Tatia's, I do expect an apology.

Dear Leo 
this is the letter I wrote to Cy after he came to see 
me last night. He started out by being friendly
but ended by calling me a bitch and I threw him
out. So you see that the game is still on - 
I still would hate to be in the way of [[strikethrough]] his [[strikethrough]] any showing in your gallery that you would want to have. otherwise everything is fine. Schifauo (spelling?) has maintained some very good and different paintings [[?]] is well though bored with all of this, Piccino fine and as yours as ever - Lauza [[spelling?]] wants to exchange Braodcast for Aujlofa [[spelling?]]-! I am good - 

Love Ileauo [[spelling?]]