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[[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] S 219. R.F. & A.L. Vol 2. 1868. a/c. Page 7. E.B. 349 V.B. Headquarters, District of Texas, OFFICE OF SURGEON IN CHIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS, March 23rd, 1868. Respectfully forwarded to Medical Director, 5 Military District, New Orleans, La., with the within amount approved. R 47 removal 2 '68 Warren Webster Surgeon and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A., Surgeon in Chief. (3 Enclosures) M.D.O. 5th MD. R.S.C. 134. V. 1. [[stamp]] The Chief Medical Officer BU. R. F.& A. L. Jun 2 1868 [[/stamp]] back [[stamp]] Officer Chief Medical Officer BU. R. F &A. L. APR 22 1868 [[/stamp]] [[stamp]] SURG GENL'S OFFICE APR 12 1868 [[/stamp]]