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Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees, freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
District of South Carolina.
Charleston, S.C. April 22nd 1868.

Major General O.O. Howard
Commissioner, Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Washington D.C.
I have to honor to herein submit a Brief of the Operations of the Bureau in this State, for the month of March 1868.

[left column] Educational
Aiken Bureau Sub District of
Bvt. Major L. Walker, Sub Assistant Commissioner reports.  From the reports of the officers of the various Districts, the desire for learning on the part of the freedmen has not, abated, and the feeling in regard to their education is more favorable as far as the whites are concerned.  This is particularly the case in Abbeville District where the best citizens are encouraging the establishment of Freedmen's Schools. 
  There is, of course, a class of ignorant whites who will not try to educate themselves, or their children, who endeavor to throw obstacles in the way of the education of the blacks but their conduct is, generally reprobated.  
{left column] Murder of a freedman
Lieut. Stone, reported a murder of a negro in the upper portion of Edgefield District but was not able to get the particulars of it. 
   Since the date of his report, he has obtained from the Clerk, of the Court, at Edgefield, the report, of