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CB.558. Vol. B.
Headquarters, District of Texas,
AUSTIN, TEXAS, April 30th, 1868.

Respectfully forwarded to the Medical Director 5th Mil. District, New Orleans, La. with the within accounts approved. Amnesty oath enclosed.
R59 [[?]] 2 '68.

Warren Webster
Surgeon and Brevet Lieut. Col. U.S.A.,
Surgeon in Chief.

(5 Papers)

Headquarters, Fifth Military District,
Medical Director's Office.
New Orleans, La., Feby. 26, 1868.
A274. RFAL, Vol 12 '68

Respectfully returned to the Surg. in Chf. Dis. of Tex. Austin. Texas, for his action and the Amnesty Oath of Dr. J.J. Roberts


[[?]] [[?]]     Feb 29
Bvt. Brig. Gen. and Surg. U.S.A., Medical Director.

E.B.348 V.B.

Hd. Qurs. Dist of Texas.
Office of Surgeon in Chief
Austin, Texas, March 26', '68

Respectfully returned to A.A. Metzner, S.A.C. B.R.F. & A.L. San Augustine, Texas, for completion of the [[?]] [[?]] account, to enable Dr Roberts, to procure payment. The affidavits of the enlisted men treated, are deficient in failing to state that the "services rendered, were necessary". This deficiency can be supplied by your certificate, which should also state that "the men were employed at the time in the exclusive service of the Freedmen's Bureau," if such was the fact. The receipt of the physician should also be approved and signed by him. A pencil form of the addition to be made to each paper is enclosed for your guidance. Accounts must be presented in duplicate. Therefore, after completion of each of the within, according to pencil form, a duplicate of the same must be prepared. If it is seen impracticable to obtain [[?]] affidavits of the men, the same may be [[?]] on the duplicates, and certified by the Sub. Asst. Comr. as true copies. The accompanying Amnesty Oath must be subscribed, before proper authority. If taken before a clerk of Court his seal of Office must be placed upon the oath.

These papers to be returned to this Office.

Warren Webster
Surgeon and Bvt. Lt. Col USA
Surgeon in Chief.

[[stamp]] SURG. GENL'S OFFICE RECEIVED MAY 16 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER. MAY 22 1868 [[/stamp]] 

Office Sub Assist. Commissioner.
San Augustine, Texas.
April 15, 1868.

Respectfully returned with the required duplicates and alterations.

Albert A. Metzner.
Sub. Assistant Commissioner.