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[[left margin]] Outrages [[/left margin]]

better proceed against their aggressors, by having them indicated by the next Grand Jury. This case is yet in suspense.
On the 12th Andrew Walker, freedman, was tending table at a wedding being held at the house of Mr Wesley Darvey, White, 20 miles from Greenville C. H. who being friendly to him, told him he found there was some objection to his waiting on the table, but that if he would go into the kitchen, he would see him well taken care of: this he immediately did. A short time after, Newton and Paddy McDavid, brothers, and Andrew McDavid, and others, all white, came into the kitchen, and one of them, cutting his knife, through the whiskers of the freedmen, began by saying, "I am none of your God damn Unionmen, or Union League." Here Plaintiff begged them not to injure him, as he had not even said an improper word to either of them; but finding they still meant him mischief, and as they ordered him to leave, he at once ran off, stopping only when he arrived at a spring some distance off, where he thought they would not follow him, coming up however, they at once pounced out, beat him until he could hardly see, demanding the mean while that he should divulge, whatever secrets he know of the Union League, to which he belonged. This the man, while begging on his knees to be released, declared he could not do. Here and of the party Paddy McDavid