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[[left margin]] (Corrected accounts substituted for these bills.) [[/left margin]]

Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Texas
Office of Surg in Chief
Austin Texas June 2d 68

S301 R.F.& A.L. Vol 12 1868

Approved for One hundred and thirty seven dollars of the amount within claimed for, when more than one patient is visited at the same time and place, the full charge being allowed for one patient, and half of the usual rate for each of the others.

Warren Webster
Surg. and Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A.
Surgeon in Chief

R66 O.C.M.O. Vol 2 '68
Off Surg. in Chf. Dept EB.808. UB
MDO D of S.S.

Corrected accounts substituted for these Bills.

[[stamp]] SURG. GENL'S OFFICE RECEIVED. SEPT 2 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER BU. R.F.& A.L.  SEP 16 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[note]] B [[/note]]

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER BU. R.F.& A.L. JUN 18 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] SURG. GEN'L OFFICE RECEIVED [illegible date] [[/stamp]]

R.S.E. 283. V.1.
5th Mil. Dist.
New Orleans La. June 12th  8.

Respectfully forwarded to the Surgeon General U.S.A. 
Washington D.C.
Approved for $137.00
M.F. Randolph
Bvt. Lt. Col. & Surg U.S.A.
Medical Director

Hd. Qrs. Mil. Dist
Medical Dir's Office
Austin, Tex. Aug 23d, 68.
Respectfully returned to the Surgeon General, U.S.A. Washington D.C.
Approved for $137.00
Warren Webster
Bt. Lt. Col. & Surg. U.S.A.
Medical Director