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Bureau Refugees F. and A Lands
Hd Qurs Bowling Green Dist.
Bowling Green Ky. June 2. 1868

Respectfully returned by Bt. Lt. Col. W.F. Drum AAAG. whose attention is invited to the enclosed oaths taken by Dr Valentine.


James F. Gledby
Bt Maj USA Capt 45 Infy
Chief Sub Asst Comm

Head Qrs Mil Dist Ky
Louisville June 4th 1868.

Respectfully returned to Head Quarters Department of the Cumberland.

S. Burbank
Bvt. Brig. Genl USA
Comdg Dist.

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER Bu. R.F.& A.L. JUNE 23 1868 [[/stamp]]

EB #664. M.D.K. 6-4 1868.
(3 Encl)

Hd. Qrs. Dept. of  the Cumbld.
Louisville Ky June 4th 68

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Lieut. Col. A.B. Hasson, Surgeon USA Medical Director Dept. of the Cumberland.

By Command of Maj Genl. Thomas
Afred S Hough
Bvt Col. USA

[[left margin]] 7 encl [[/left margin]]

[[stamp]] Received M.D.O. Dept. of the Cumb'd JUN 5 1868 [[/stamp]]

S 305 R.F. & A.L. Vol 12 1868.
E.B. #282 D.C. 68.
R69 OCMO Vol 2 '68

M.D.O. Dept of the Cumberland, Louisville, Ky. June 15th 1868.

Respectfully forwarded to the Surgeon General U.S.A. with the enclosed account approved.

Owing to the excessive charges made by physicians in this section of country for the treatment of venerial

diseases, it was thought fit to issue an order, a copy of which is enclosed requiring that men serving with small detachments, without a regular or contract surgeon, [[strikethrough]] who may [[/strikethrough]] contracting such disease be at once returned to their companies for treatment, but in this instance as Dr. Valentine rendered the services to the men as charged for in the enclosed account, in good faith, and as the charges are in accordance with the customary charges in the place it is considered but just to him to approve the account. (over) 

Transcription Notes:
Question mark number one appears to be Mef, or Mol. I did not add it myself as I think it would be good for someone else to do a second eye on.