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in the ensuing year, such hands as vote the Republican ticket"

Charleston, Bureau Sub District of Colonel J. V. Cornford 8th July, Sub Asst. Comm 

[[left margin - Thieving]]
Lieut Bishop Aldrich, Asst. Sub Asst. Commissioner reports: "Complaints are made of very considerable deputations upon Stock and Store houses being broken into, in the District of Grangeville[[?]], and that the Civil Magistrates seem to be powerless to stay the evil, much lies to suppress it, even the Gov't supplies have not been spared. 

[[left margin - Sufficiency of the Commissioners of the Poor]]

Especial attention is called to the utter inefficiency of the District Commissioners, whose duty it is to care for the poor, and repair the public needs. The people are taxed for the support of these people, and as the General Commanding has set aside the reverence from liquor licenses for their benefit, and as there are many aged and infirm people who are suffering from the dereliction on the part of the Commissioners, I respectfully recommend that action be taken in the matter."

[[left margin - Crops]]
Some fear cases of dispute have occurred, but of minor importance, which have been easily adjusted by the Officers of the Bureau.
Mr. Bennett, City Agent reports: "Crops in fine conditions, the planting interest in Bread Stuffs,