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parts, disease and mortality prevailed."

[[left margin - Social relations]]
There is evidently an advancing improvement in the general Social relations of the people in this District a higher sense of their social status a better conception of their moral obligations, with a higher sense of their religious claims consequently a more general knowledge of their duties as members of the body social and politic."

[[left margin - School Houses]]
"Good and suitable school houses are very much needed; there not being one good or suitable school house in the entire Sub-District of Hilton Head at present the Teachers being obliged to make use of temporary ill-constructed little "shanties," or such churches as they may be permitted to occupy for the time, either of which is ill adapted to the purposes of a school house. At present, the Post School is being kept in the old Post Military Chapel; the Teachers residing also in a Government building, but all this is merely temporary and quite inconvenient, the teachers and school having had to move once during the season, the building being required for Government use. 

As stated in a former report to the Maj. General, a school house should be a desirable place of resort to the pupils, consequently can only be made so by associations of pleasurable remembrance among which are besides good and agreeable teachers; please put rooms comfortable seats and desks with [[strikethrough]] equal[[/strikethrough]] playground and scenery. Throughout this entire Sub-District, every plantation has such a [[?]] it,