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Laurensville, Bureau Sub District of 
Bvt. Lieut. Col. A.T. Smith, Sub Asst. Commissioner.

Mr. W. T. DeKnight, Agent at Greenville, reports:
The complaints during the month, have been of a very varied character, and of course very numerous. Zero of the most prominent of these are the shooting of Samuel Thompson, freedman, by Henderson Jenkins, while about the 5th inst, and the other the beating of James Thomas and attack on the houses of Henry and Levi Thomas, freedmen, by Benjamin, and Jerome Garrett, [[?]] Jones, Edgar Cox, and others unknown, all white, on the morning of the 25th when they were threatened with hanging if they voted the Republican Ticket, were reported by me under dates the 19th and 25th.

The warrants which I had issued in both these cases have not as yet been served."

That secret organizations of a diabolical character, exists throughout the country, pledged to the very worst measures to suppress the loyal and oppress and subjugate the freedman, to their own purposes there cannot be the shadow of a doubt.

Not many days since the Collector & Assessor of Internal Revenue at this place started out to look up are an unlawful distillery reported in operation about ten miles from the C. H. in returning they luckily as it proved, did so by a different route from the one they took in going for another party traveling this