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work. His office is well conducted and he appears to be a faithful officer. He is behind in his reports, this is occasioned from the want of a clerk, he has had none until recently.

After a careful examination of Bureau affairs in Maryland I am satisfied that it may be partially withdrawn from that State. I am of the opinion that all that is required there now is one Officer or Agent for the prosecution of claims for bounty, and a disbursing officer for the payment of them.  The Supt. of Schools may be retained with probably good results for the present. The freedmen there are thrifty and have made good progress in education, I think them able to take care of themselves. The release of apprentices illegally bound has been the source of the most trouble, but as that has been settled, the interposition of the Govt, is no longer necessary.

E.M. Gregory late Bvt. Maj. General, U.S. Vols, is still on duty there as an inspector, his services are entirely unnecessary. I recommend his discharge at the end of this month. I find that a large number of discharges of colored soldiers were placed in the hands of the firm of Surbury & Co. Claim Agents, of this city in 1866 or earlier, that this firm