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Jackson, Miss
July 6th 1868

Gen'l. O.O. Howard
Comr. B.R.F and A.L.
Washington D.C.


We the undersigned Citizens of the State of Mississippi, take this method to state to you that a large number of our fellow Citizens have been turned out of & from their homes & employment, and without receiving any settlement or pay for services performed. The only reason given for their unexempted injustices & cruelties which has caused & is the cause of great suffering & hardship amongst old & infirm men women & children, who are dependant [[dependent]] on the able bodied for support; is in exercising the right given them & us by a Congress of the United States & voting as their consciences & judgment dictated, namely voting for the Republican party. In view of the foregoing facts we must respectfully & earnestly petition your interposition on behalf of those sufferers as will bring to all some sure & speedy relief. And as in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray - 

Michael Harris his x mark     
Jas Miller his mark           
Sampson Hammond his mark
Peter Mitchell his mark