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War Department.
Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Washington Sept 18th 1868

Respectfully referred to Major J M. Brown for remarks.

By order of Maj Genl O. O. Howard

F. D. Sewall
A. A. A. General.

War Department
Bureau of Refugees Freedman & A. L.
Washington Sept. 24, 1868.

Respectfully returned to Bt. Maj, J. M. Brown who will discharge the Carpenters and discontinue the carpenter shop, it being deemed no longer necessary.
By order of Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard
F. D. Sewall
A. A. A. Genl.

E. B. 80. Vol. 5.

[[stamp]] Received Sept 18 1868 [[?]] [[/stamp]]

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A L
Offices of Acctg. & Disbursing Officer D.C.
Washington September 21. '68

Respectfully returned to Bv't Brigr Gen'l. J D Sewall A. A. A. Genl. . Burns and Hines, two Carpenters have been employed for some time at the Carpenters shop in making cases, desks &c, and in general repairs for the head quarters of the Commissioner. On the 3rd of Sept, 1968, I discharged them for constantly quarrelling thereby interfering with their work. It was impossible to ascertain who was in fault. Charges were made by Mr. Burns against Hines, and by Hines against Burns the former, too frivolous to be considered, the latter however were of a more serious nature, on a partial investigation of the latter. (Hines against Burns) I did not find the statements made substantiated, a more thorough investigation might prove some of the statements to be true.

In view of the ill feeling existing between the parties, the matter in my opinion did not demand any further action than had been taken.

On consulting with the Chief Quarter Master of the  Bureau, he advises the closing of the shop, on the 1st proximo, as being no longer necessary. Steps have been taken to carry this into effect. I have given Burns no assurances of his being reemployed nor can he be paid for services never rendered.

J. M. Brown
Bvt. Major & D O

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