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may be cancelled, that the planters with their scanty means may again go cheerfully and resolutely to work, disencumbered of this load of debt, and the Freedmen have something in hand to shield them from the rigors of approaching winter.

W.S. Whaley
Eprh M Jenkins
PP [[Berrearn?]]
Hugh Wilson
W Roper
IHW Hutchinson
DA. Stivens
Shackelford & Kelly.
F.M. Whaley
Ralph Nesbitt
GE. Dawson
Jas LaRoche
R.H. Jenkins
Jos. E. LaRoche
Warhols & Beckett
Wm A. Alleton
W.E. [[Sharkinson?]]
Geo. F. Kinloch
Wm S Stevens
H Bontey
Smith Horne
P. Toglio
Roper & [[?]] for Planters on Islands
John [[Calcuett?]] & Co.
John Jenkins
WS Lee
Jos. W Seabrook
EM Whaley
J.I. [[?]]
J Evans Edings
McLeod Hutson
Joel Laviscey
HS King
W.F. le Alcock
J.M.P. Gregorie
AM Lowrie
Thos Lariscey
JA Huguenin
A Campbell King
Thos. S. Behn
Smith & Dodge
Theo Surrey
F.C. Schulz
Dawson & Thomlinson