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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Head-Quarters Assistant  Commissioner, District of Virginia.
Richmond, Va., April 15 1869.
Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard
I have the honor to acknowledge the rest of a letter from Genl Sewall of the 13th inst. in which he instructs me to reply directly to yourself, and to give my views in regard to the removal of the Superintendents office to Alexandria and also in relation to a clerk.
I respectfully submit the opinion — in which I am fully sustained by Col. Mallery — that it would be detrimental to the educational interests of the state to remove the office from  Richmond. One fifth of the schools of the state (60 teachers and 3500 pupils) are in this city and its suburbs. The character of these schools at the capital is an important matter and should required frequent attention. Again there are five lines of Rail-road beside the river and the canal radiating from the center by which the schools of the state can be reached at a great saving of time and money over any other point.