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W.252. Vol 15 '69. R.F. & A.L.

file with W 49 Vol 14. '69 
[[stamp]] BUREAU R F & A L WASHINGTON REC' D NOV 2 1869 [[/stamp]]

Dept. 276 E.B. 20 6 d-25th 1869
802 P. 1869.
Post. Office Department

Oct. 26th 1869
Requests  early Statement of number of officers of the War Dept and its Bureau who are now exercising the privilege of franking official correspondence 

Respectfully referred to the Bureau for report.
(sd) John Potts
C.C. W.D.
Oct. 18/69.

Rec'd A.G.O. October 18th 1869

Adjt. Genl rept. copy taken Oc 28/69
Qr. Mr. Genl. rept. copy taken Oct 28/69
Commiss'y Genl. rept. copy taken Oct 28/69
Eng Off. rept. copy taken Oct 29/69
Ord Off. rept. copy taken Oct. 29/69
Paymr. Genl rept. copy taken Oct 30/69
Surg. Genl rept. copy taken ct 30/69
Judge A. [[?]] Genl rept.  Noted
Sup't. Off. rept. copy taken
Freed. Bureau rept.