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one occasion that he designed going before the Grand Jury of the County to indite Crosby the Hospital Steward for taking measures to accelerate if not accomplish deaths, in the lying in ward, by ordering, in the depth of winter, on several nights, when the cold was excessive that all fires be extinguished in order to ensure the deaths of the lying in women and their newly born offspring.  Mr. Roberts told me that he only refrained from giving this information to the Grand Jury at the earnest entreaty of Benson and to prevent doing any injury to Dr. Bell who was then virtually, although not officially, in charge of the Hospital at the time.  I myself heard Dr. Benson dissuade Mr. Roberts from taking the action which he proposed viz bringing the matter before the Grand Jury.

I have had several conversations with Peter --- the Janitor of the Medical College, who told me that he had come repeatedly after dark to the US General Hospital for Refugees and Freedmen in this city; I have myself seen many of the bodies of our deceased patients in the dissecting rooms of the University and it may be safely said that the University was almost entirely supplied from that source