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two witnesses. 

James Bruce makes a long statement, which amounts to this, that he procured his place through Maj Roberts. (See Vol 1 Pp 1. L 15. to 24) That Maj Roberts and Lieut Brown, from time to time expressed themselves highly pleased with him. (Bruce) (See Vol 1. Pp 3. L 4 to 17) and that Maj Roberts denied having endeavored to procure his discharge, and that he had a friend go up to Gen'l Ely's H'd Qrs. to look after the matter. (Vol 1 Pp 4 L 10 to 28) 

He states also that he has been in this country nearly four years, and considers himself a citizen (Note, he is an Englishman and not a citizen of the U.S., took no part in the late war.) At Mr Bruce's urgent request, I permitted him to introduce the testimony of Thos J. Griffith M.D. as to his character, which is as follows, "His general character is good, he is sober industrious, truthful and truly loyal." (See Vol 1. Pp 21. L 25 & 26)

This was Endorsed by Geo. W. Griffith M.D. (Vol 1 Pp 25. L 5 to 8)