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Bureau R. F & A Lands
Asst Comr's Office State of Ky
Louisville July 18" 1867.

Bvt Brig Gen'l John Ely
Chief Supt &c.
Louisville Ky,


In obedience to orders contained in your Endorsements of Jun 21, & June 27, 1867. I have the honor to submit the following report in the case of Dr R. A. Bell A A. Surgeon.

Before proceeding to consider the merits of the case. I desire to say that I did not at first intend to enter so fully into the investigation of this case as I have. I trusted that it would not be necessary, It was with reluctance that I entered upon the examination of charges which if true might reflect upon the character of officers and especially upon officers whose absence would prevent them from explaining the circumstances under which the act complained of occurred. I soon however became satisfied that the parties (certain of them it may be said, men of some character and standing) preferring the