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whatever, what the object or intent of James Bruce in forwarding this paper + designating it an Affidavit could have been I am at a loss to determine. He certainly must have imagined, either that it would escape observation, or that the difference would not be known.

The petition referred to me June 27th, 1867, deserves attention. It would seem at the first glance that this petition, signed as it is by Twenty Six (26) true and loyal citizens, many of them holding office under the Government, was well worthy of notice. It might moreover be at first assumed that these Gentlemen had signed this petition upon their own personal knowledge, of the facts therein set forth, because it is reasonable to suppose, that gentlemen would not prefer grave and serious charges against an officer and request his removal from office, and consequent disgrace, unless they did absolutely know the statements contained in said petition to be true, such however does not appear to have been the case. A summons to appear before me and testify in the matter