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C.N. Stone A.U.S. Assessor
(See Vol 2 Pp. 49, line 20)
J.P. Trimble A U.S. Assessor
(See Vol 2 Pp 50 L 10)
WG Needham A U.S. Assessor
(See Vol 2 Pp 50. L. 22)
Fourteen of the Gentlemen did not appear or answer at all, they have therefore certainly, very little, if any interest in the matter. One name remains, and that name presents a very singular case. 
One J Shelly, a loyal man who served in the U.S. Army during the war appears upon summons and testifies, that although he was invited to sign a petition, he did not sign the one in question or any other, and that the signature exhibited is not that of any of his family (see Vol 2. Pp 44 L 20) Dr Baemond testifies that this is not J. Shelly's signature. (See Vol 2 Pp. 45. L 15) This together with the fact that so far as I am able to ascertain there is no other J Shelly in the city of Louisville (I requested Dr T.J. Griffith to furnish me with the address of the signer, and he informed me that, I would find the same in the Directory) justifies the suspicion of forgery on the