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and was reappointed. (see Vol 2. Pp 25. L 15 to 25)

Dr W.R. DeWitt 
Dr Wm R. DeWitt Jr. Chief Surgeon, testifies "that Dr F.L. Town was assigned to duty in charge of the Hosp'l by order of Bt Maj Gen'l J.C. Davis on the 21st of June 1866, (see Vol 2. Pp 38. L 2) and that Dr Bell was assigned to duty as Dr Town's Assistant on the 17" day of July 1866, by order of Bt Maj Gen'l Jeff C. Davis. (see Vol 2 Pp 37 L 24.) he further states "that the record of the office show that Dr. R.A Bell was first assigned to duty as Surgeon in charge of the Hosp'l by order of Dr. F.L. Town March 14" 1867, he still further states that Dr Bell reported the presence of the Medical Cadets March 25, 1867. (see Vol 2 Pp 39. L 7.) One day previous to Lt Brown's report, and within seven days of the date on which he rec'd the order placing him in charge of the Hosp'l (see Vol 2 Pp 25. L. 14) The conclusion is therefore that Dr RA Bell did not appoint the Rebel Cadets. They were appointed by his superior officer, as soon as he was placed in charge of the Hosp'l, he reported them and they were immediately removed. Dr. Bell is therefore guiltless of the first charge