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Dr. J.W. Benson 
Dr J.W. Benson, states "that he did deliver lectures in the Hosp'l by verbal permission from Gen'l Davis and Dr Town. (see Vol 2 Pp 22. L 20.) He further states "I never applied to him, (Dr Bell) for permission, he simply treated me with professional courtesy. The original permission was given in Sept. and continued until the close of the session. I then called on Dr Town and Gen'l Davis in regard to delivering popular lectures, to be advertised in the papers. They not only granted permission, but said they would be obliged to me for so doing, that it would tend to do away with the prejudice against the Hosp'l and popularize it with the community, or words to that effect" see Vol. 2. Pp 23. L 1 to 15)
By reference to the testimony of Wm R. DeWitt Jr Chief Surgeon, it will be seen that Dr Town was in charge of the Hosp'l. during the time that these lectures were delivered. (see Pp 9. of this Rep't)

Dr W.A. DeWitt
It also appears from Dr DeWitt's testimony, that lecturing in the Hosp'l was finally prohibited by Bt Brig Gen'l Sidney Burbank, Ass't Com'r &c upon the request of Dr DeWitt on the 15" day of April 1867 (See Vol 2 Pp 40. L 25.)