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drink, nor do I think he is a drinking man. I consider him thoroughly qualified for his position. (see Vol 2 Pp 41, L. 25 to 26)

Jno. A. Octerlony 
Jno A. Octerlony M.D. says "Dr Bell's character in every respect is above suspicion. Never heard anything but good of him in my life. As far as loyalty is concerned, Dr Bell is known and always has been, as not only loyal, but radical. I am radical myself" (see Vol 2 Pp 43, L 2 to 8)

Wm Forrester 
Wm Forrester M.D. says, "Dr Bell is a man of good character, sober, a man of integrity, honor, and loyalty." (see Vol 2 Pp 44. L 16)

Jno A. Brady 
John A. Brady M.D. late Surgeon I. Ky Cavalry says "Dr Bells character is the very best. I thought his long continuance in the service sufficient guarantee. Never knew him to drink a drop of liquor as a beverage. His professional reputation is excellent. Never saw him associating with rebels. On the whole I think Dr Bell one of the best men we ever had in the service" (See Vol 2 Pp 46, L 3 to 10)

Dr J S. Lytton. 
Dr J. S. Lytton one of the petitioners "admits that he never saw Dr Bell in close consultation with rebels" (see Vol 2 Pp 47, L. 12 to 14)

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