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Dr Boemond
Dr B. R. S. Boemond, testifies that, "at different times during the winter, during the lectures, sometimes before sometimes after the lectures, the lecturer would come in and drink whisky,there was a considerable amount of whicky drank, They were personally invited by Dr Bell or the steward or myself, Have known Dr Benson to drink when there were no lectures, In fact much whiskey and ale was drank illegitimately" (See Vol 1 pp 50, L 10 to 18)

Lt Frederick
Lt. Calvin Lt. Frederick, says, "he knows nothing about the improper use of govt whisky, I drank occasionally upon prescription from the Doctor, and also occasionally upon invitation of Dr Town and Dr Bell, It was a very uncommon thing for outside parties to drink whisky in the dispensary "(Vol 1. Pp 54, L 15)

In answer to the question, " was Dr Bell present and did he sanction the drinking of gov't whisky as a beverage," Lt F, says' "very seldom if ever sometimes (being in the habit of using a little) when I considered it necessary upon complaining of illness to Dr Town or Dr Bell they would prescribe it, sometimes