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In consideration of Bruce's connection with the whisky drinking and his reckless manner of testifying, I cast out his testimony and consider it no further.
The testimony of the other witnesses for the prosecution in worthy of alteration, and shows that a certain amount of Govt whisky was drank - I am unable to determine how much, Dr Boemond testifies that "much whisky & ale was drank illegitimately, while Dr Frederick who was continually at the Hospit testifies that "It was a very uncommon thing for outside parties to drink whisky in the Dispensary" These two witnesses for the complainant differ widely, Lieut Brown says "I believe they need a Barrel a month, that is properly and improperly" but says he has been in the disciplinary very little.

Dr. Frazee 
Let us look at the testimony for the defense, Dr Frazee says "there was some liquor drank here while I was present, I think but little ((see Vol. 2, pp. 21 L 1 & 2)

Dr Benson 
Dr. Benson says "I saw some whisky drank, but very little, and a part of that was bought by myself, some by Dr Boemond and some by Cadet Roberts.