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He adds that he disobeyed the order on one or two occasions, but upon Dr. Bell's reiterating it, he faithfully obeyed the same (See Vol 2 Pp 26, L 20 to 25)

C.D. Noble 
Med Cadet C.D. Noble, testified on the 8th day of July 1867m that he had been in charge of the Dispensary since June 12th 1867m relieving Gilbert, that the orders were to issue no whiskey, except upon prescription and the orders were obeyed (See Vol 2, Pp 26, L 4 to 18)
All the above witnesses testify that they never say Dr. Bell drink whiskey as a beverage.
Taking all the testimony for the prosecution and defense, I concluded that a certain amt of whiskey, how much it is impossible to determine, but I think not any great quantity outside of what Bruce consumed himself was drank that Dr Bell was not in charge of the Hosp'l at the time, nor responsible for the conduct thereof, that as soon as he was placed in charge, he issues an order to stop the improper use of liquor and the order was obeyed.
In justice to the officer who was in charge of the Hospital I will add,