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A. I do not know, only he says he gets it at a Drug Store and has it charged to the Gov't for (he says) I am entitled to it as an officer.
Q Did you see any books he presented to the ladies in charge of the Hosp'l?
A. Yes, One, it was a vulgar book.
Q. What did he send the book for?
A. He said if they would read the books he could get what he wanted.
Q. To whom did he send the books.?
A. To the Misses Uhline (white girls) chief cooks in light diet kitchens.
Q. Do you know any other bad act of Meiser?
A No, save that he asked me to go to the Dispensary and steal liquor for him. 
Testimony of A.H. Le Tourney — under oath.
Q What is your name, age and occupation?
A. Augustus H. Le Tourney, 29, Commissary Clerk and ward Master, Hospital of Bureau R.F.& A.L. Louisville Ky.
Q. Have you had charge of the wards of this Hosp'l. since Gustave Meiser has been an inmate thereof?
A. Yes Sir.