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Q. Has it been your duty to see that he was cared for, Meals served, fires built and room cleaned?
A. Yes Sir.
Q. Has he been well cared for?
A. Yes Sir, better than any other patient.
Q. Have his meals been served regularly?
A. Yes Sir. I gave the orders.
Q. Have the fires been always built and the rooms been always cleaned regularly?
A. Yes Sir Except when he refused to permit it.
Q. Have you observed Gustave Meiser frequently?
A Yes Sir.
Q. How has he generally conducted himself?
A. Sometimes he acted like a man who had lost his mind. He took his stump and beat against the wall once, and would tell me I ought not to work more than two hours per day
Q. Did you ever see any other bad conduct on Meisers part?
A Yes. I saw him come out one evening and said he was going to cowhide Dr Boemand. He had a ratan on another occasion with which he said he
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]