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and sometimes acted as if insane, Often said he wished he were dead. said he would sometime commit suicide. I saw him try to break guards on one occasion. Said he was going out to drown himself, saw him try to put his stump in the fire.
Q Did he ever complain to you of Dr Bell neglecting him?
A. Yes, but long after the time he said it occurred, and I knew it to be false for during the time he complained. I filled Dr Bells prescriptions for him myself. There was about a week when Dr Bell was very busy that Dr Boemand attended him. I heard Beomand say he (Meiser) was not responsible for his acts. 
Testimony of C.D. Noble, under oath.
Q. What is your name, age, and occupation?
A Charles D. Noble, 24, Act Medical Cadet Hosp'l Bureau R.F. & A. Lands.
Q How long have you know Gustave Meiser?
A. About three months.
Q. How has he conducted himself?
A. He has been in the habit of getting

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