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drunk or acting as drunken men do. I saw him attempt to break guards to go as an officer said to drown himself. He seized the musket of the guard and tried to take it from him. He did not seem to be in his right mind, in my opinion he was not in his right mind. 
Q. Did you hear Dr. Beomond say Meiser was not in his right mind, nor responsible for his acts?
A I did on one occasion;
Testimony of Bt. Lt. Col W.R. DeWitt Jr under oath.
Q What is your name, age and position?
A. W.R. DeWitt Jr. aged 39. years, Surgeon and Bt Lt Col US Vols. Surgeon in Chief Bureau R.F.& A. Lands. State of Kentucky. 
Q Do you know Gustave Meiser?
A Yes.
Q. Is your knowledge of him such that you would be justified in testifying as to the condition of his mind?
A. I have not seen enough of Capt Meiser to give a positive opinion.

Transcription Notes:
removed [[underlined]]