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taken up,"

In reply to this I received an answer. (Enclosed marked "B")

In this communication Dr. Griffith names his two witnesses, Gustave Meiser and B.R.S. Boemond M.D.

I examined Gustave Meiser and as Dr. B.R.S. Boemond has left this part of the country, I addressed Dr. T.J. Griffith the following communication dated August 13 1867.

"Sir, I have the honor to state that I have examined Gustave Meiser, one of the witnesses named by you in the Bell matter. If you will call at this office Saturday morning Aug 17.67 at 10 o'clock, I will be ready to read to you his testimony. Dr. B.R.S. Boemonds is out of my jurisdiction, I cannot reach him by summons, but if you will cause him to appear before me on or before the 20th of August 1867, I will examine him."-

To this I received no reply, verbal or written.

"Charge First"

The first charge against Dr. R.A. Bell is neglect of duty, in case of Gustave.